Importance of the Visual Arts
in Education

Today more than ever the arts are needed by our students as a forum for safe expression, communication, exploration, imagination, and cultural and historical understanding.

Below is a list of reasons why the visual arts are so important in all grade levels:

· Brain research confirms that Arts education strengthens student problem-solving and critical thinking skills, adding to overall academic achievement, school success, and preparation for the work world.

· Art classes provide students a chance to develop cognitive and creative skills, and to develop their imaginations.

· For some students Art is their motivation for coming to school and an area where they have success or excel, providing an important balance in their total educational experience.

· The arts teach our students to be more tolerant and open through multicultural and historical perspectives and through their involvement in the creative process itself.

· Due to the collaborative nature of art, students develop crucial skills in cooperative decision-making, leadership, clear communication, and complex problem solving while working with others.

· Regular participation in the arts develops self-confidence, self-discipline, persistence, and the knowledge of how to make multiple revisions to create high quality work.

· The skills and experience that students develop by learning to perform, create, and respond to works of art provides a foundation for the kinds of literacy students must have to communicate and work successfully in our ever-changing media, technology driven world.

· Art Education supports not only the adolescent’s intellectual and educational development but also their personal and social development.

· Arts education helps develop a positive work ethic, flexibility, and pride in a job well done.

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